User Experience

Our telecommunications customers are transforming the market.

They sell user experience, not only products. And best of all: they save a lot of money doing so.

Proud to be Europe’s supplier of the BEREC monitoring standard.

Nettest on several devices.

We visualize the Internet.

We monitor end-to-end user experience.

We designed the Nettest.

Monitor everything, all the time and everywhere.

The alladin Nettest monitors performance, availability and quality of broadband connections and services.

All results are generated objectively, securely and transparently.
For all technologies and applications.
In compliance with the DSM Regulation.

Quality of service and quality of experience in a nutshell. .

Do you still have these problems?

  • Price differentiation
  • Complex problem localization
  • Service breakdowns & SLA breaches
  • Unhappy customers
  • Costly, technology-based investments

Or are they already resolved?

  • Higher profits by selling user experience
  • Know the problem cause in network & customer LAN/WiFi
  • Automated network & service quality control
  • Higher (re)solution rate & customer loyalty
  • User experience driven decisions for better return

„…mobile broadband experience is currently the principal driver behind smartphone users´ loyalty to operators…Millennials expect operators to communicate app experience rather than network coverage…This suggests that improving network quality also increases the perceived value for money – without actually lowering tariffs…”

Quotation from: Ericsson ConsumerLab: “Experience shapes mobile customer loyalty”, 2016

Measure now

Do you want to measure now? Start the browser test:

…or download the free alladin Nettest apps:

Get in touch!

Let us know if there is anything we can do for you.


alladin-IT GmbH


Hahngasse 17/14
1090 Vienna, Austria

Let’s talk.

Let’s connect.


Nettest Seal